TimeTrap: An Empirical Study of Performance Interference: Timing Violation Patterns and Impacts


TimeTrap was developed by the following team of academic researchers:

        Ao Li at Washington University in St. Louis
        Jinwen Wang at Washington University in St. Louis
        Sanjoy Baruah at Washington University in St. Louis
        Bruno Sinopoli at Washington University in St. Louis
        Ning Zhang at Washington University in St. Louis

Architecture of TimeTrap

Figure below is the implementation architecture of the tool TimeTrap. It corresponds three phases in TimeTrap: (i) Discovering Exploitable Temporal Displacement (ii) Task Execution Phase Breakdown and Interference Profiling (iii) Aggressor Workload Generation.

Architecture of TimeTrap tool imeplementation.

Some Demo Videos

Open Manipulator X


Jackal UGV


Additional Case Studies

There are additional case studies that are attached as supplementary material to the submission.

More Materials

The 241 timing-related software issues collected from GitHub could be found in the link in the format of table sheets.